
With the nutrition project cook@school VielfaltMenü wins the popular award for contract catering

The Gold Marketing Award 2023 was honored to cook@school, a VielfaltMenü project for the nutritional education of children. With its decision the jury expressly recognized the essential role of early education and knowledge transfer on the subject of nutrition for the future and health of children. Catering in kindergartens and schools has an indispensable social role in this respect. In the laudation particularly also the social-endowing element was mentioned: With the cook event cook@school children do not only cook together, also the meal at the self-set table and a cook book is part of the total concept, which was aligned to current nutrition and environmental requirements by VielfaltMenü together with the organization ProVeg.

VielfaltMenü is proud to contribute to a balanced nutrition every day and consistently describes this as "So much more than good food". With various nutrition projects, playful activities, raised garden beds, and visits to producers, the caterer also shows children, where food comes from and what impact nutrition has on the environment and their own health.