
VielfaltMenü donates to the Bärenherz Children's Hospice

For 20 years now, the Bärenherz Children's Hospice has been providing holistic, loving and competent care for seriously ill children and their families in the nursing, psychosocial and therapeutic fields. The Bärenherz Children's Hospice is one of 16 inpatient children's hospices in Germany and the only inpatient children's hospice in Saxony. We also honored this unique commitment once again.

This year, we again took over the catering on the facility's open day and donated a total of 1,500 euros to the Bärenherz children's hospice. The donation will be used, among other things, for toys and joint activities to provide moments of joy and relief for the children and their families.

"We have already been supporting the Bärenherz children's hospice for around seven years - and this year we are continuing the close exchange between VielfaltMenü and the facility. We greatly appreciate the commitment that more than 80 employees at Bärenherz make every day. That's why we want to consciously set a sign of appreciation and recognition with our support at the open day and our donation," says Stephan Werner, VielfaltMenü customer advisor for the Saxony and Thuringia region.

Further information on the work of the Kinderhospiz Bärenherz Leipzig e.V. can be found here.