"der_lachende_teller" is born!


VielfaltMenü is on Instagram – and twice over. In addition to our official corporate account, we proudly present a second account that offers inspiration for our followers on the topic of nutrition in everyday life with children.

The second account is aimed at parents, daycare centers, schools and everyone else who asks themselves the question every day: What am I cooking today? And not just simple, but also healthy and delicious. Here we share creative recipe ideas, useful tips for a balanced diet and exciting insights into the world of child-friendly cooking. With our dual presence on Instagram, we not only want to provide insights into the diversity of our company, but also be a helpful source of information and inspiration for anyone who cares about children's nutrition. Follow both accounts for daily culinary inspiration and valuable tips!

We give practical tips for everyday life and present delicious recipes to cook as well as inspiring trend.

At the same time, we like to share our expertise: How can I feed my child a balanced diet? What do I need to watch out for? What can I do about allergies? Which ingredients strengthen their immune system?

Our aim is for "der_lachende_teller" to become a family meal. We cordially invite you to our table and look forward to new followers, questions, comments and suggestions.

Curious about the whole variety of nutrition education for kids and teens? Click here to go to our channel: der_lachende_teller

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