
Fish dishes on the menu also taste good to children

Children can be very picky when it comes to their meals. But a balanced diet is crucial for their healthy growth and development. Fish is also an important source of nutrients and therefore finds its place in our menus. We base our menu design on the criteria of the DGE. These say that fish should be on the menu at best once a week. But why, which fish is best suited for this and which recipe the children also like, you can read here.

What does the DGE say?

According to the DGE, fish are a valuable addition to our daily diet for several reasons:
  • High quality protein: Fish is an excellent source of high quality protein, which is essential for children's growth and development.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Some species of fish, both freshwater and marine, are rich in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are essential for brain development and heart health. Examples of fatty fish include trout, herring, salmon and mackerel.
  • Iodine: Sea fish such as cod, haddock and pollock are excellent sources of iodine. Iodine is important for thyroid function and growth.

How often is fish on the menu?

Our menu is based on the DGE quality standards for catering in schools and daycare centers. Therefore, we serve fish at least once a week.

Is our fisch sustainable?

When we purchase fish, we make sure that it comes from sustainable fisheries or sustainably operated aquacultures, i.e. MSC and ASC certified fish.

What does MSC and ASC certified fish mean?

The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) is an independent organization dedicated to promoting sustainable fishing practices.By choosing MSC-certified fish, we ensure that fish stocks in our oceans are conserved and that fishing is done in a sustainable way.
The ASC (Aquaculture Stewardshop Council) seal certifies farmed fish and ensures that the environmental impact of fish farming is also minimized.

What can I do as a parent that my child is fish?

Not all children like to eat fish or are skeptical at first. This is where creativity and patience are needed:
  • Model: Show your child how much you like fish by eating and enjoying it yourself. Children often take their cue from their parents.
  • MStart with mild fish: Incorporate fish into your child's meals, but start with mild varieties like cod or salmon, which are less likely to smell and taste like fish.
  • Cook together: Let your child help prepare the fish dish. Children are more likely to eat something if they have prepared it themselves.
  • Variety in taste: Experiment with different cooking methods such as grilling, baking, or steaming to discover different flavors and textures.
  • Combine with familiar and popular foods: For example, pasta with tomato sauce and fish, salmon lasagna, homemade fish burger.

For those who do not like fish at alle, we also offer a vegetarian version in our menus.

On our Instagram account der_lachende_teller you will find many delicious recipes. Among them also a recipe for homemade fish sticks. This also tastes good to many children!

Click here for the recipe.

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