Supplier Code of Conduct of VielfaltMenü GmbH

VielfaltMenü GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “VielfaltMenü”) is a catering company operating throughout Germany that supplies kindergartens, schools and businesses in particular with regional, seasonal and sustainable dishes. It is important to us that we comply with the applicable laws and act ethically. We therefore also attach great importance to the selection of our suppliers. This Supplier Code of Conduct sets out the expectations we have of our suppliers with regard to compliance with applicable laws and ethical conduct (including respect for human rights and environmental standards). We are convinced that only legally compliant and ethically correct conduct will lead to lasting economic success for all parties involved.
By signing this Supplier Code of Conduct, our suppliers undertake to act in accordance with the values, principles of conduct and objectives set out in this Code, to be guided by the internationally recognized United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and to address the values, principles of conduct and objectives contained in this Code along their own supply chains.

This Supplier Code of Conduct applies to all suppliers of VielfaltMenü and its subsidiaries. Suppliers are all natural and legal persons who conclude contracts with VielfaltMenü for the delivery of primary products and goods as well as for the provision of services of any kind and other services to VielfaltMenü.

We expect our suppliers to comply with applicable laws, to apply them in such a way that they fulfill the meaning and purpose of the legal requirements and to develop and implement processes that ensure compliance with applicable laws and other relevant regulatory requirements and do not engage in unethical business practices. If legal requirements and this Supplier Code of Conduct cover identical topics but the requirements differ, our suppliers should apply the provisions that come closest to the purpose of this Supplier Code of Conduct and are legally permissible. Our suppliers also create transparency about their own legal compliance and that of their suppliers along their own supply chain.

Our suppliers embed compliance standards in their companies, promote a culture of integrity and create a trustworthy working environment. Legal violations and unethical practices are not tolerated. If there are any indications of such conduct, our suppliers investigate them immediately in order to identify and minimize them.

Our suppliers respect human rights as set out in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, resolutely oppose violations and treat their employees with respect and do not subject them to degrading conditions. They respect social standards and attach importance to fair working conditions. Animals, as part of our natural environment, are kept in a species-appropriate manner and treated with care.

Our suppliers respect the environment and our natural resources. They minimize greenhouse gas emissions, use resources sparingly, work energy-efficiently and keep the impact of their operations on the environment as low as possible.

VielfaltMenü reserves the right to review compliance with this Supplier Code of Conduct in the event of information about violations by suppliers. Upon request, our suppliers provide all necessary documents and records without delay and grant VielfaltMenü the opportunity to carry out appropriate control measures.
Violations of this Supplier Code of Conduct may, depending on their extent, result in one of the following measures in particular:
– Request to carry out control measures in your own company and/or in your own supply chain and to submit the results of the measures carried out;
– Request to implement remedial measures in the event of a breach of a human rights-related or environmental obligation within the meaning of the LkSG;
– Classification as a subordinate supplier if an identified breach is not remedied;
– Suspension of the business relationship until an identified breach is remedied;
– Termination of the contractual relationship for good cause or withdrawal from the contract;
– Assertion of claims for damages.

Any behavior that is contrary to this Supplier Code of Conduct can be reported anonymously and confidentially via the complaints procedure set up by VielfaltMenü and available in various languages. This also applies to violations by other parties along VielfaltMenü’s supply chain. Our suppliers ensure that whistleblowers do not have to fear any disadvantages or penalties as a result of submitting a report of any kind.
Website of the complaints procedure:

VielfaltMenü reserves the right to adapt this Supplier Code of Conduct accordingly in the event of a change in the legal situation or other significant changes to the framework conditions.